Still working...

Christmas is practically around the corner. Many of us spent the last month taking part in NaNoWriMo, so we’re looking forward to winding down for a while. Not one to go quietly into the night, we’ve assembled an advent calendar of blog posts and short stories to count down the days.

We have a ton of books to recommend for writers over the next few weeks among short stories and other pieces from a few of our members. In the meantime, we want to take the opportunity to remind you about our anthologies – our gift to the writers that joined us and needed the push to get their first stories into the public eye.

Between October 2018 and July 2019, we published three collections: Dublin’s Fierce City, Fierce Might, and Fierce New World. You can read more about all three here.

The anthologies are a special part of how Cupán Fae operates. The greatest gift you can gift a writer is confidence in their work. Whether you choose to buy our books or spark an interest in the work of the writers in your life, remember that even a small act can make a big difference in the lives of those around you.

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